2016 in review

Antartica found
Microsoft Surface Hub arrives and is unboxed
SACHI @ IUI 2016 
Object Recognition with the Project Soli in St Andrews
SACHI @ CHI 2016
WatchMI won honorable mention award at MobileHCI 2016 (Florence, Italy)
Media Coverage for WatchMI (Wareable, Engaget, SlashGear, ACM TechNews SIGCHI etc.)
RadarCat at UIST 2016 in Tokyo, Japan
Media Coverage of RadarCat (Gizmodo, Engaget, The Verge, Fast Co, Futurism)
Sidetap and Slingshot at UIST 2016 (Tokyo Japan)

Publications: https://sachi.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/publications/
Antartica found