May 2006 Pervasive 2006 State Reception

Best Paper Award Pervasive 2006
4th International Conference on Pervasive Computing State Reception hosted by Minister of State Tom Kitt in Dublin Castle who gave this welcoming speech and awarded the best paper prize. Minister Kitt was introduced by Philip Nolan, UCD registrar.

Thank you very much for your generous welcome. In particular, I would like to thank the hosts of this prestigious event - The Systems Research Group, in University College Dublin – and, indeed, all the corporate partners that have made this event possible.

It is interesting, I think, that so many people from Ireland - academia and our public and private sectors - have come together to support the conference - and to engage with their international counterparts in exploring this fascinating concept - Pervasive Computing. I am delighted that Ireland is hosting this conference. It is fair to say – I think - that modern Ireland is a very good fit for this event - both in terms of logistics - and in our closeness to the central theme of the conference - integrating ICT into the everyday environment.

It is a particuar pleasure for me to have been invited to speak this evening – because, as Minister for the Information Society – I have a keen interest in how technology can be applied – how and where they can add value – how they can enhance productivity – and, I suppose, how they can improve the quality of life....

[Read Full Speech]

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